Le prochain artiste que nous annoncons ici aujourdh'ui, est un jeune producteur talentueux et prometteur de Lyon en France, agé seulement de 24 ans, et qui s'est distingués rapidement depuis son arrivée sur l'étiquette TechSafari Records il y a trois ans avec une détermination sans limites et une énergie débordante. Nicolas Bestea représente sans aucun doute la nouvelle génération et le futur de la scène progressive et psytrance, avec déjà plusieurs excellentes pièces dont 'Sunshine Lovers', 'Moonbow' ou 'Adventure', ou encore son remix exceptionnel de la pièce classique 'Let Go' réalisée par la légende Liquid Ace (Liquid Soul & Ace Ventura), et qui a connu un grand succès sur les charts digitaux récemment et qui a été jouée par plusieurs grands artistes à travers le monde.

Son enthousiasme, son travail acharné en studio et biensûr son inspiration ont permis à Nicolas Bestea de gravir les échelons rapidement, et franchir une étape importante récemment au niveau international, avec une brillante performance au Brésil où il retournera encore deux fois cet été. Les brésiliens en redemandent encore et avec raison.

Nous sommes heureux de présenter cet artiste pour la première fois cet été au festival Éclipse:



The next artist we'd like to announce here today, is a talented and up-and-coming young producer from Lyon, France, just 24 years old, who has quickly risen to fame since joining the TechSafari records label three years ago. years with boundless determination and boundless energy. Nicolas Bestea undoubtedly represents the new generation and the future of the progressive and psytrance scene, with already several excellent tracks including 'Sunshine Lovers', 'Moonbow' or 'Adventure', or his exceptional remix of the classic track 'Let Go ' performed by the legend Liquid Ace (Liquid Soul & Ace Ventura), which has been a big success on the digital charts recently and has been performed by several great artists around the world.

His enthusiasm, his passion and his hard work in the studio allowed Nicolas Bestea to climb the ladder quickly, and recently take an important step at the international level, with a brilliant performance in Brazil where he will return twice this summer. Brazilians are still asking for more and with good reason.

The next artist we'd like to announce here today, is a talented and up-and-coming young producer from Lyon, France, just 24 years old, who has quickly risen to fame since joining the TechSafari records label three years ago. years with boundless determination and boundless energy. Nicolas Bestea undoubtedly represents the new generation and the future of the progressive and psytrance scene, with already several excellent tracks including 'Sunshine Lovers', 'Moonbow' or 'Adventure', or his exceptional remix of the classic track 'Let Go ' performed by the legend Liquid Ace (Liquid Soul & Ace Ventura), which has had great success on the digital charts recently and has been performed by several major artists around the world.

His enthusiasm, his passion and his hard work in the studio allowed Nicolas to climb the ladder quickly, and allowed him to take an important step recently at the international level, with a brilliant performance in Brazil where he will return twice this summer. Brazilians are asking for more and with good reason.